Transformation Seeker's Blog

I'm always on the lookout bringing you the latest information and resources to further expand your conscious personal development growth and guide you toward the daily tools and techniques that will give real results creating inner energetic shifts that you (and others) will notice in your outward transformation.

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Sep 17, 2024

Access Bars Tampa - Personal Sessions


Schedule an Access Bars Tampa Session w/ a 12yr Certified Practitioner. Experience the most relaxing, de-stressing, well-being technique you've never heard of

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Feb 16, 2024

EFT for War Veterans with PTSD


EFT for war veterans & first responders with PTSD gives relief from service related trauma using this powerful self help tool that is available at no cost.

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Feb 16, 2024

Why February 26th Will Change Your Life

This only happens once a year and it starts in just 10 Days!

Life isn't always easy. In fact, for most people, it involves a lot of stress and struggle on a daily basis (and it may for you as well).

With finances, work, health, relationships, and a lot more. Most people are dealing with more stress, anxiety and overwhelm than they realize.

And they're wishing they could make life better, make life easier and more enjoyable, but just don't know how.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Which is why I want to share what is probably the most transformational free online event that exists, that teaches one of most effective techniques for creating change, EFT, otherwise known as Tapping, with 25 free presentations. It's the 16th annual Tapping World Summit!

This online event is amazing and a must to listen in to.

This isn't just an informational event also, it's an experience.


Attendees don't just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better.

They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.

They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.

They leave having cleared childhood traumas.

They leave the event better than when they went in. And you, yes YOU... will leave this event better than when you enter it.

It's been going on for 15 years. It has a reputation for getting results for attendees, year after year after year. :) In fact, over 2.5 million people have attended this online event over the last 15 years!

Trust me on this one... this technique and this event are truly amazing. Go here to learn more and get access to this free online event:

Enjoy and make sure to let me know what you think of the event. I know you won't be disappointed! :)

Continue reading "Why February 26th Will Change Your Life"

Feb 05, 2024

Tapping Literally Rewires Your Brain's Neuropathways

If you often feel frustrated with constantly feeling like you can't get out of patterns of negative emotions, like anger, sadness, loneliness, fear, guilt, shame... there is a reason for that.

Negative thinking and negative emotional patterns are actually hardwired into the brain, in one of the most ancient parts of it. Negative thinking specifically is there for a very important reason, which you'll learn about in the video I'm sharing with you today.

If you want to eliminate your negative thinking and negative emotions, so that you can become the most confident, fulfilled, healthy and successful version of yourself, then watch this video as it will change your life:


This video was just put out by my friend and New York Times bestselling author Nick Ortner. It shares fascinating information about this primitive part of the brain that holds us back, why it's not your fault if you think negatively.

In the video, Nick will also show you how you can use a technique known as Tapping to literally rewire the neuropathways of the brain to create the life you want (it's been scientifically proven to do so).

He'll even take you through a simple yet powerful Tapping process that will have you instantly feeling positive, energized, and empowered to move your life in the direction you want.

Watching this simple video, you'll learn how to use EFT Tapping to get past this primitive part of the brain and remove the negative thinking, limiting beliefs and chronic negative emotions that stifle our ability to grow and create the life we want.

Enjoy and happy tapping!

Continue reading "Tapping Literally Rewires Your Brain's Neuropathways"

Jan 28, 2024

Meet Carol Look Tapping Expert & Intuitive Energy Healer


Meet Carol Look Tapping Expert, Energy Healer. Her unique coaching style helps you clear your fears, find your “yes” & make the decisions that are right for you

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Jan 27, 2024

Unlock Your Abundance in 2024 Coaching Series

I'm sharing a new offering from EFT Tapping Master Carol Look that she has created for 2024 and the first activation session is Monday, February 12, 2024.

Metaphysical teachers say that our abundance is always there… waiting for us to access it. We don’t have to chase it, earn it, deserve it, or be worthy of abundance.

It’s always there… if we can remove the blocks.

Yes, there are keys to unlock your abundance.

What are the keys to unlock your abundance?
- Releasing your fears
- Letting go of your doubts
- Breaking through your limits

And when you use these keys to unlock your abundance your life will change dramatically: - Instead of believing in the need to struggle, you will allow abundance into your life with ease
- Instead of thinking “Is this all there is?” – you’ll feel much more fulfilled every day
- Instead of focusing on uninspiring goals, you’ll be able to live a life with vibrant success
- Instead of feeling stuck and tired, you’ll feel more energy moving through your body and mind
- Instead of doubting your decisions, you’ll feel more confident every time you make a choice

Remember, if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.

Is now the time to try something new and do it differently?

Using advanced applications of EFT/Tapping and Carol’s 30 years’ experience combining her training as a psychotherapist, hypnotist, and coach, you will learn how to Unlock Your Abundance.

"After struggling for years in the area of abundance,
I learned that there is a hard way to attract a little bit of abundance
and an easy way to attract a lot of abundance."
- Carol Look

When you sign up now,you will get 3 Activation sessions to get you started on this journey.


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